First Day of Senior Project!!

Today I drove over to the barn to help Missy, my mentor for this project, with barn chores. My goal for today was to start planning for my horse show and work out some details. After feeding and turning the horses out we discussed what we could realistically do in our planning time of 2 weeks. We set a date for the show, which will be the afternoon of the 22nd, and also drafted a text message to send to all the parents. We then discussed the fundraising portion of this show. We decided that our entry fees as well as optional donations will all go towards the Jeffie Foundation. Our next portion of planning will depend on the number of people that plan on coming. For the rest of my hours, I helped out Missy with barn chores and turnout. Today I did a total of 5 hours. 

Today's hours: 5

Total hours: 5 
